Important Information

Reezocar is discontinuing its sales activities. We will no longer take on any new vehicle purchase or financing requests from 4th of November 2024.
However, we will continue to ensure the delivery and follow-up of all vehicles ordered before this date, through our customer service department. Your satisfaction remains our priority.
If you have any questions, please contact us on 01 76 47 40 00. Thank you once again for the many years of trust you have placed in us.

Land Rover Range Rover SportMark Vi P400e Phev 2.0l 404ch Hse Dynamic

Analysis not available

Vehicle information

78,242 Km

Caractéristiques techniques

ReferenceType of vehicleEngine versionExterior color
RZCANAFR5592139SUV/4x4MARK VI P400E PHEV 2.0L 404CH HSE DYNAMICWhitePlace : (75015), FRANCE
Android AutoAndroid CarplayApple CarPlayApple CarplayClignotant LedDétecteur actif d'angle mortEQUIPEMENTSEntrée sans cléFeux automatiquesFeux directionnels dynamiquesHayon électriqueHayon électrique main-libreIntérieur cuir étenduLimiteur de vitesseLine AssistLumière d'ambiance intérieur à LEDPack black-linePack climPark AssistReconnaissance des panneaux de signalisationRétroviseur extérieur électrochromeRétroviseurs extérieurs rabattable (...)

Équipements & options

Land Rover Range Rover SportMark Vi P400e Phev 2.0l 404ch Hse Dynamic

78,242 Km
Analysis not available