Important Information

Reezocar is discontinuing its sales activities. We will no longer take on any new vehicle purchase or financing requests from 4th of November 2024.
However, we will continue to ensure the delivery and follow-up of all vehicles ordered before this date, through our customer service department. Your satisfaction remains our priority.
If you have any questions, please contact us on 01 76 47 40 00. Thank you once again for the many years of trust you have placed in us.

Porsche PanameraE-hybrid4 Sporturismo V6 3.0 462 Ch

Price above market

Vehicle information

40,900 Km

Caractéristiques techniques

ReferenceType of vehicleEngine versionPowerFiscal powerExterior colorNumber of doors
RZCANAFR5442731BreakE-HYBRID4 SPORTURISMO V6 3.0 462 CH330 Ch21 chBlack5Place : (69890), FRANCE
- 2 porte-gobelets intégrés AR et AV- 2 ports de charge USB à l'AR- 2 sorties d?échappement simplesà gauche et à droiteen acier spécial brossé- Affichage des limitations de vitesse avec assistance de changement de voie- Airbags genoux pour le conducteur et le passager- Airbags grand volume conducteur et passager- Airbags latéraux AV- Airbags rideaux se déployant sur toute la longueur de l?encadrement de pavillon et recouvrant les vi (...)Cylindrée : 2894 cm3Nb. Vitesse : 8

Équipements & options

Porsche PanameraE-hybrid4 Sporturismo V6 3.0 462 Ch

40,900 Km
Price above market