Important Information

Reezocar is discontinuing its sales activities. We will no longer take on any new vehicle purchase or financing requests from 4th of November 2024.
However, we will continue to ensure the delivery and follow-up of all vehicles ordered before this date, through our customer service department. Your satisfaction remains our priority.
If you have any questions, please contact us on 01 76 47 40 00. Thank you once again for the many years of trust you have placed in us.

Fiat 500c1.0 Hybride 70 Dolcevita Bsg

Good price

Vehicle information

22,576 Km

Caractéristiques techniques

ReferenceType of vehicleEngine versionPowerFiscal powerExterior colorNumber of doors
RZCANAFR5585148city1.0 HYBRIDE 70 DOLCEVITA BSG70 Ch4 chWhite2Place : (38150), FRANCE
Cylindrée : 999 cm3EQUIPEMENTSRégulateur de vitesseCapote rougeVolant ivoire + ambiance ivoireRoue de secours galetteRadar de reculClimatisation manuelleLimiteur de vitesseUSBAndroid Auto & Apple CarPlayJantes alliage 15" New LoungeSièges AV réglables en hauteurCoques de rétroviseurs couleur carroserieSellerie cuir/tissuGPS Système Uconnect 7" HD avec navigationToit vitré panoramiquePeinture Bossanova White,

Équipements & options

Fiat 500c1.0 Hybride 70 Dolcevita Bsg

22,576 Km
Good price